pdf_gross.gif The IMS in 3 Hours

Webinar Description

  • This webinar provides a fast and comprehensive view of the IMS technology as viewed by 3GPP, TISPAN and the IP community.
  • The webinar starts with an overview of the features, involved standardisation bodies and reasoning and a view on the IMS from the service prospective.
  • The following sections will explain the detailed network architecture with the nodes, terminologies, tasks, functions, interfaces and important identities as well as the protocols involved. and some important message flows and scenarios.
  • The webinar will be concluded with the presentation of some operational aspects and the discussion of important functional message flows and scenarios.

backtotop.gifSome of your questions that will be answered

  • What is the IMS and what are the benefits to implement it for Next Generation All IP Networks?
  • Which SIP entities are defined for the IMS domain and how do they differ in 3GPP from generic IETF view?
  • Which are the important protocols in IMS and how do they interwork, e.g. how is a session established and how are the capabilities exchanged.
  • Where and how does a user terminal register in IMS.
  • How does the provision of Qos work in IMS, how are the necessary resources provisioned in case of a mobile access network.

backtotop.gifWebinar Duration

  • app. 3 hours (2 x 1.5 hour + 1 break)

backtotop.gifParticipation Fee

  • 498.- €

backtotop.gifDetailed ToC

Part 1: Overview of the IMS Environment

  • What is the IMS?
  • Different IMS Approaches - 3GPP vs TISPAN
  • The IMS Service Perspective

Part 2: IMS Architecture Internals

  • Major Components of an IMS System
  • Provision of Voice and other Applications
  • Overview of important IMS Interfaces
  • Important IMS Identities

Part 3: The Protocols in the IMS Domain

  • Control Plane Protocols
  • Protocols in the User Plane
  • Gateway Control with H.248 / MEGACO

Part 4: Some IMS Operational Aspects

  • Discussion of the IMS Registration
  • IMS Mobile Originating Call towards PSTN or CS Domain
  • QoS Provision in IMS



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Webinar Schedule

Dates of our IMS in 3 Hours Webinars:

$item) { $now = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00")); $begin_date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($item["begin_date"]))); $status = (($begin_date - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1)) > $now) ? 1 : 0; if($item["ordered"]) $status = 1; if(strcmp($date, sprintf("%s", date("M d, Y", strtotime($item["begin_date"]))))) { $date = sprintf("%s", date("M d, Y", strtotime($item["begin_date"]))); ?>

We are sorry, but at the moment no webinar is scheduled. If you are interested in this webinar, please contact us.

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