pdf_gross.gifEvolved EDGE in 3 Hours

Webinar Description

  • This webinar provides a fast track to the concepts and technology of E-EDGE.
  • Initially, the webinar points out today's situation of the GSM-networks, worldwide and concludes with the upcoming challenges and potential of these access networks..
  • Focus of the webinar is the description of the different parts of the E-EDGE technology, namely dual-carrier operation, reduced latency and EPRS2.
  • The webinar concludes with the comparison of the envisaged performance of E-EDGE compared to HSPA and E-UTRAN.

backtotop.gifSome of your questions that will be answered

  • Which enhancements enable lower latency operation in evolved EDGE?
  • Why is lower latency a precondition to prosper from higher data rates in GERAN?
  • How much throughput rate becomes possible with dual carrier operation and with EGPRS2?
  • Which new modulation schemes does E-EDGE add?
  • How do terms like RED HOT and HUGE related to E-EDGE?
  • What are the implications of operating at a higher symbol rate?
  • Does evolved EDGE make sense for our network?
  • In which steps should we introduce evolved EDGE?
  • How backwards-compatible is evolved EDGE?

backtotop.gifWebinar Duration

  • app. 3 hours (+ 1 break)

backtotop.gifParticipation Fee

  • 498.- €

backtotop.gifDetailed ToC

Part 1: Assessment

  • Comparison of legacy GSM with today's GERAN
  • On the way to 4G
  • Summary and Conclusions for the evolution of GERAN

Part 2:

  • Multi-Carrier Operation and how it works
  • Reduced Latency and how it works
  • EGPRS2 and how it works
  • The Implementation Timeline

Part 3:

  • Performance Figures of E-EDGE
  • Comparison with HSPA and E-UTRAN
  • Beyond Throughput Rates



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Webinar Schedule

Dates of our Evolved EDGE in 3 Hours Webinars:

$item) { $now = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00")); $begin_date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($item["begin_date"]))); $status = (($begin_date - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1)) > $now) ? 1 : 0; if($item["ordered"]) $status = 1; if(strcmp($date, sprintf("%s", date("M d, Y", strtotime($item["begin_date"]))))) { $date = sprintf("%s", date("M d, Y", strtotime($item["begin_date"]))); ?>

We are sorry, but at the moment no webinar is scheduled. If you are interested in this webinar, please contact us.

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