query($query); foreach($items as $i => $item) { if(!strcmp($item->getAttribute("name"), $node->getAttribute("name"))) { $item = ($items->item($i - 1)) ? $items->item($i - 1) : null; break; } } return $item; } function getNextItem($xpath, $node) { $query = "//*/item"; $items = $xpath->query($query); foreach($items as $i => $item) { if(!strcmp($item->getAttribute("name"), $node->getAttribute("name"))) { $item = ($items->item($i + 1)) ? $items->item($i + 1) : null; break; } } return $item; } if(!defined("DIRECTORY_STYLESHEET")) define("DIRECTORY_STYLESHEET", "_css"); if(!defined("DIRECTORY_INCLUDE")) define("DIRECTORY_INCLUDE", "_inc"); if(!defined("DIRECTORY_JAVASCRIPT")) define("DIRECTORY_JAVASCRIPT", "_js"); if(!defined("DIRECTORY_TEXT")) define("DIRECTORY_TEXT", "_txt"); if(!defined("DIRECTORY_FLASH")) define("DIRECTORY_FLASH", "_swf"); $_name = (isset($_REQUEST["page"])) ? $_REQUEST["page"] : ""; $_description = ""; $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->load("demo.xml"); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $_application_title = $dom->documentElement->getAttribute("title"); $_tree = $xpath->query("//*/chapter"); if($_name) { $query = sprintf("//*/item[@name='%s']", $_name); $item = $xpath->query($query)->item(0); $_flash = sprintf("%s/%s.swf", DIRECTORY_FLASH, $item->getAttribute("name")); if($item->hasAttribute("description")) $_description = $item->getAttribute("description"); $_prev = getPreviousItem($xpath, $item); $_prev = ($_prev) ? $_prev->getAttribute("name") : ""; $_next = getNextItem($xpath, $item); $_next = ($_next) ? $_next->getAttribute("name") : ""; } else { $query = "//*/item"; $item = $xpath->query($query)->item(0); $_next = $item->getAttribute("name"); } @include_once(sprintf("%s/header.inc.php", DIRECTORY_INCLUDE)); ?> Notice: Undefined variable: _description in /var/www/inacon.de/htdocs/wbt/137/demo.php on line 76

Welcome to the Demo-Version of the WBT:
Notice: Undefined variable: _application_title in /var/www/inacon.de/htdocs/wbt/137/demo.php on line 90

Target Audience

Technicans, operation staff and everybody who needs to understand the terminology, concepts and has to obtain an overview of the key technical elements of LTE as future 4G standard of 3GPP.


Familiarize with LTE terminology, provide a technical overview of new and enhanced elements compared to UMTS/HSPA and act as preparation for more detailed technical LTE classroom trainings.


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