pdf_gross.gifUMTS - Design Details & System Engineering

[3-day training course, Euro 3,450.- per participant]

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Course Description

  • This training course addresses the needs of engineers and technicians who have already a general understanding of UMTS.
  • This training course continues our first UMTS training course “Inside UMTS – Technology & System Operation” and it provides a thorough understanding of the UMTS Radio Access Network (RAN), of its system functions and its technical operation on a high detail level.

As in all INACON training courses we integrated several interactive exercises for a perfect learning experience.
Please click here for a detailed Table of Contents (ToC)

Some of your questions that will be answered

  • How are the initial parameters (e.g. access slot number) for network access be selected by the UE?
  • In which way is blind transport format detection performed?
  • What are the functions of the SSCOP protocol in the transport network protocol?
  • What is the meaning of the N_Max_frames parameter?
  • How are the dedicated and the common channels handled in the user plane on the Iub interface?
  • What parameters are added to the Authentication quintet, how is integrity protection performed?
  • What kind of different identifiers are used in CELL_FACH, CELL_PCH and URA_PCH for adressing?
  • How is an AMR speech connection established and reconfigured, how is the codec mode change controlled?

backtotop.gifWho should attend this class?

  • Everybody who needs to understand UMTS system details and operation procedures.
  • System designers and development engineers of UMTS network equipment and UMTS mobile stations.
  • Network Planners who need to establish UMTS and/or joined GSM / UMTS networks.
  • UMTS network operators for network design and planning, system installation, and/or system operation.
  • Software engineers engaged in signal processing flow and/or protocol stack software development.


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  • The student will be enabled to understand all relevant details of UMTS-procedures within the RAN and the mobile station.
  • The student will achieve a thorough understanding of the UMTS Radio Access System and will be enabled to immediately contribute to system development in a strong manner.

backtotop.gifTraining Course Duration

  • 3 days


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More Info:

Detailed ToC of this training course
Schedule of this training course
Extract of this training course
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