
SIGTRAN - Protocol Analysis & System Integration

Some of your questions that will be answered by this book:


  • How can an IP-network be reliable and secure enough in the first place to convey critical and confidential CCS7-information?
  • Which address information is used within and among CCS7-networks to route information between adjacent nodes and end-to-end?
  • Are there any means for load sharing among CCS7-links?
  • What is the best adaptation layer protocol for our implementation? Shall we use M2PA, M2UA, M3UA or SUA?
  • Which security mechanisms does SCTP support?
  • Which packet format and chunk types does SCTP define and what are they used for?
  • How does SIGTRAN mimic classical CCS7-parameters like OPC, DPC, SLS, SLR or DLR?
  • How does the network layout differ between classical CCS7 and SIGTRAN?
  • In which way does SIGTRAN provide for link supervision as CCS7-does?
  • Does SIGTRAN support load sharing? If yes, is it more flexible than load sharing in legacy CCS7?
  • In which way does SIGTRAN provide for CCS7-management procedures likes Change Over / Change Back (COO / CBD)?
  • Is there a link establishment procedure in SIGTRAN comparable to the CCS-link establishment procedure through SLTM / SLTA?
  • Which test procedures can be recommended upon SIGTRAN-commissioning?
  • How well does SIGTRAN operate through NAT’s and NAPT’s?
  • Can SIGTRAN operate with IPsec?
  • What are the optimum settings for the different SCTP-parameters like for example RTO.initial, RTO.Min and Max or HB.interval under which conditions?
  • What are typical error situations that SIGTRAN-enabled networks will encounter?

Who should acquire this book?

  • Design and test engineers of SIGTRAN equipment vendors.
  • Engineering staff of network operators who require inside knowledge of SIGTRAN network operation (e.g. TAC II and III)
  • Everybody who requires detailed knowledge of SIGTRAN technology and network operation.

Product Details:

  • Paperback / eBook
  • 283 Pages
  • over 110 Illustrations and Tables
  • ISBN 978-3-936273-28-1
  • Price Paperback: Euro 299.- (net)

  • Price eBook: Euro 249.- (net)

  • Download the order form and fax or e-mail it to us (


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